Member Benefits

"TOP 10" Reasons to Join Suffolk County Psychological Association

  1. We are a friendly, supportive and collegial group of psychologists.
  2. We have an active and informative listserv for our members to share and obtain valuable information.
  3. We have an active website with a "Find A Psychologist" database enabling the public to search for psychologists by services, orientation, insurance, and more.
  4. Members receive discounted rates on our monthly CE-granting workshops (approved by NYSED) on a variety of relevant, professional topics.
  5. We offer free mentoring for early career psychologists.
  6. We have a vibrant social media presence among members and the community.
  7. We offer opportunities to become active in the association to advocate for our profession at the local, state and national levels.
  8. We offer discounts on resources including a legal plan and website design services.
  9. We hold social networking events throughout the year.
  10. We graciously recognize the contributions made by those who call SCPA home!

Membership in the Suffolk County Psychological Association can keep you connected - within the county and beyond. Our organization is a focal point, bringing many agendas and resources into view. As with any dedicated group, we provide an often decisive strength with the voices of our membership concerning important issues that affect us all. Our strength is in our numbers and our numbers are growing. Be a part of SCPA and be heard - every one of our members is our most valuable resource.

Mentoring Program

The SCPA Mentoring Program matches early career psychologists with experienced psychologists who will assist them with practice and/or treatment issues. The mentors volunteer their time; there is no charge for this program. Mentors and mentees usually meet in person or on the phone; they may meet once a month with phone calls as needed or more often. The Coordinator contacts the early career psychologist to find out what they are looking for help with and if they have any specific requests regarding the mentor's practice orientation, etc. and then finds someone they think will be a good match.

Please log in to access the mentoring program.

Legal Plan

Dr. David Trueman, a mental health attorney who formerly practiced as a psychologist, offers a Legal Plan to SCPA members. The cost is $250 for the year and entitles you to an hour of consultation with Dr. Trueman. You also get a reduced fee for any additional time you may need. 

Please log in to access the legal plan.

Website Design, Hosting, SEO, Administration Services

Discounted Rates available for many services from website designer Eric Larson

Eric Larson is a web design professional who has been in the business for over 16 years. His expertise encompasses an array of web based services including: website design/redesign/creation/maintenance, website hosting, email campaigns, social media marketing, and more. He works with clients of all sizes - from large corporations to sole proprietorships, psychological associations to individual psychologists. Additionally, for many years he was the administrator of the SCPA website.

Eric offers a discounted rate for his services to current SCPA members. Pricing starts at $15/month which includes managed hosting and site updates (and even eventually upgrades/redesigns) and most of the services mentioned above. Need a new website or redesign? He'll give you a fair quote.  Each job will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but Eric will do his best to work with you and your budget.

If you're interested in, or have any questions about website services, would like to inquire about pricing or simply want to ask for advice on "digital marketing" or anything else web-related, learn more at or contact him at [email protected].  He's always happy to field questions from SCPA members.

Therapist Helper Discount

Therapist Helper is software dedicated to providing practice management solutions to individual and small group private practices. These solutions include electronic claims, electronic prescribing, e-learning, and payment processing. More than 20,000 psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, therapists, and social workers use Helper to improve the quality of care for millions of clients. SCPA Members are eligible for a special discount - members can choose either $200 off the purchase of a Helper perpetual software license (normally $599) OR a free Assurance Plan ($329 yearly) when participating in Helper's Billing Services program.

  • Helper License for 1 provider
  • Assurance Plan for 1 year (Access to technical support, upgrades, and the ClaimsConnect system)
  • ClaimsConnect Program (Electronic billing)

Please log in to access the discount code.

10% Discount on CE Credits

The Zur Institute provides CE Credits for Psychologists. CE Credits (CEUs) for LMFTs, Social Workers, Counselors and Nurses. The Zur Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. In addition there are free resources available on their website. The Zur institute offers SCPA members a 10% discount on all CE classes.

Please log in to access the discount code.

$10 Discount on CE Credits

National Register of Health Services Psychologists provides CE credits for Psychologists. National Register is approved by the New York State Education Department to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. National Register offers SCPA members a $10 discount on all CE classes.

Please log in to access the discount code.

Discounts with National Archives Inc.

National Archives, Inc. provides efficient and secure document storage, paper shredding, and document scanning solutions to businesses throughout Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan (NYC).

  • Any member that signs this agreement for a monthly reoccurring service (archiving their files physically or electronically with us) will receive a 10% discount on all services.
  • Any member that hires us for one job or periodic shredding and scanning jobs will receive a 5% discount.

Please note: This offer is only valid for new accounts that do not already work with us.

Please log in to access the discount code and download the Storage and Service Proposal & Agreement

Discount at the Commack Mattress Firm

Mattress Firm in Commack (located near Costco) has offered SCPA members a minimum 15% discount for SCPA Members. To get the discount members MUST make the purchase through the store at: 6 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725 - (631) 462-1830

The offerings/discounts featured on this page are provided only for your convenience. SCPA makes no representations regarding the services/products provided. Your use of any service/product is solely at your own risk. These entities/individuals have either advertised in SCPA publications or have been recommended by individual SCPA members. No remuneration has been sought or paid for these listings.